Sunday, December 24, 2017

Holiday party #6 of 2017

My final holiday event (and gig for 2017) was a company party held in a popular restaurant.  
This guy had the best festive attire this year!! AND he'd been to the Sixers home opener, so he also owns one of my caricature t-shirts. :-)
 More happy smiling sitters!
 ...and a caricature reaction!
Thanks for having me.
Goodbye 2017!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Holiday Party #5 of 2017

This holiday party was for a medical practice run by doctors who were also a married couple. They and their staff, with their spouses, are all like family to each other. It was a lot of fun for me for several reasons: it was a small group, so that meant FULL COLOR WITH THEMES! How about going over Niagara Falls in a barrel? Sure! How about touring Spain? Check! Can you draw us on safari! Why, yes...yes, I can! The other themes were ones I've done a few times before: super heroes, Philly sports fans, and a new pregnancy. (That's why her hand is covering the positive pregnancy when I put this photo on my Instagram, it was still a secret if she shared it.)  I also drew a B/W staff caricature for the office.

It turned out the host and hostess were caricature fans and had ones done of their now-grown children in Baltimore and Disney many years ago. Check these out:

These are examples of the Irv Finifter style of caricature..chalk and glove coloring, done in the old Harborplace tourist area of Baltimore's Inner Harbor.
This beautiful drawing below, done in 1996, isn't exactly a caricature, but it's not exactly a straight portrait's Disneyesque. I found it to be very sensitively drawn and they agreed it was a wonderful likeness of their daughter.
Finally, there was a larger than life-size bust of John Lennon in the living room, done by a friend of the hostess--in high school! 
You know I am all for original art in homes, especially if it's caricature or portraiture. Thanks for having me!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Holiday Party #4 0f 2017

This holiday party was memorable because it was the first time I ever did a caricature of an Amish person! I made sure their prayer caps showed a little (top left). 
I asked him if they were fake tattoos on his face. He said do they look like fake tattoos? So I still don't know!
Two sisters!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Holiday Party #3 of 2017

Above: You can see me drawing the couple shown: below on the right

First snowstorm of the year---on a gig day---meant my hubby heroically chauffeured me in luxurious four-wheel-drive while I white-knuckled the door handle. ;-) The party wasn't postponed or cancelled, as most of the guests were neighbors at a family holiday party in a home, and they invited my hubby to come in, too! Got there in plenty of time, started early and was asked to stay longer! That's a successful gig. 
This couple was so CUTE:
Loved drawing her eyebrows!

When hubby's present, there are photos of me:
In this one you can see my "concentrating on caricaturing" face: biting my bottom lip:
Happy Holidays, all!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Staff party caricatures (holiday party #2 of 2017)

Somehow, my client fit 150 guests into his house and I drew dozens of them!
What fun!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Caricatures at children's Christmas party (holiday event #1 of 2017)

All kids, all Christmas! I was so busy I never even got a photo of Santa  (he was there!!!)

However, I DID get a photo of four caricature artists!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Caricatures at a wedding reception in a distillery!

What an unusual, historic venue---a distillery!!! I just hoped I didn't become inebriated from breathing all the whiskey fumes!
This was the view from the entry door, which was up a long flight of steps:
The cocktail hour and meal were held on the second floor; the DJ and dancing were on the third floor 

The guests arrived and I stayed sober ;-)
The bride and groom never got to sit for me, as they were so in demand. It happens! Hopefully I'll do a wedding caricatures from a photo for them.

Got a few pics of some caricatures before their owners retrieved them from the casks! ;-)
Thanks for having me, Craig and Melanie! Best wishes!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Chocolate-scented hospitality-suite caricatures

A repeat client and a repeat venue in Hershey, PA:
 "Draw our beers!!!"
"Why yes, yes I will!"

and a final REACTION:
I love my job!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Irish Festival Silhouettes

My scissors and I donated time and hand-cut silhouettes to Irish Charities of Maryland at the big festival in Timonium...

Everyone is Irish at an Irish Festival!!! :-)
I tried cutting my first double silhouette:
I think I prefer separate ones. 

My hubby came along for this event, yay!