My caricatures have a new web presence: on Facebook!
For the past nine months, I have had a personal page on Facebook, started when my son moved abroad. It proved to be a fantastic way to keep in touch with him. Along the way, lots of real-life friends from all over the world showed up there, too. Mostly it was for personal postings and socializing, but occasionally I would post caricature-career related stuff.
Lately, I have had so many of my caricaturees tell me they wanted to use my drawing of them on their Facebook profile, but not knowing their names and not having the time at gigs to follow up on this, it was a lost cause. With a Facebook fan page, the address of which I am now printing on my gig paper, anyone can now find me and join--and I have a FB home for all my caricature art. What a fun way to market! :-)
It will have links to this blog, photos and commentary both from me and whomever feels so inclined. Thanks to everyone who has become a fan already (closing in on 100 as of this moment :-)
Here is the link to Caricatures by Emily. Or you can just log onto Facebook, and put Caricatures by Emily in the Search box.
Beautiful work!!