On a beautiful summer Saturday evening, I drew at a new 50-year-old's Three-Stooges-themed birthday party.
There's everyone waiting for his arrival. He thought he was coming for crabcakes (which worked because his birthday is actually in a few weeks). Below is the stiltwalker/magician who heralded the birthday guy's coming: (in a DeLorean, no less! Back to the future, anybody??))
I was set up to draw on the shady porch. The client had had me there a few years back for another son's party, so it was nice to be included again! Instead of my usual self-caricature on my info board, I displayed a drawing I'd done of Larry, Moe and Curly ( the only Stooges
I consider authentic, although I'll watch Shemp, too.)
Here's a few faces! (got to draw in color for the second time that day! :-)
And birthday guy and his wife:
When I'd finished drawing, I got to check out the clothesline display of some of my work...
Finally, here is a short clip of a Stoogey skit that was put on by friends, which ended with the Delorean being doused with glitter. I'm not adept with the video function on my camera yet, so fogiven the sudden ending. Hilarious though!