Even though I'm merely 25% Irish, (John is 95%!!!) that was plenty enough to thoroughly enjoy participating in a huuuuuge Irish festival held last weekend in Maryland. I brought both my airbrush and my artstix, and drew all sorts of green finery...and yes, the Guinness was flowing freely for lots of folks! (not me, though--I like Bailey's...and especially nutty Irishmen ;-)
These two used actual
pitchers for drinking vessels. LOL
These adorable munchkins were drawn from photos, their parents asked me to draw them
at a bar ;-D
Above--some of my airbrush work. The lovely lady harpist had a photo of her harp on her phone, and I am happy with the atmospheric effect I was able to get for the background with my airbrush. The gentleman wanted to be "buff" to attract the ladies! :-)
Irish dancing!
Irish sports jerseys!
More Irish dancing! Below--There's a caricature for EVERY age!
Below--this little one's parents said she was an "Irish girl, made in China"...
John's cousin Jay, (a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and mega-Irishman) lost a bet with a friend and had to wear a green Penguins jersey all day, but his true colors were underneath! Here are some more sights---and sounds---from an exhausting yet exhilarating day!
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