Last night, I did something a little out of my comfort zone, at a Cub Scout meeting. No, not the caricaturing part! Public speaking!! I always tell my subjects that I have no problem drawing in front of people, because no one is looking AT ME, but at my hand and what it's creating. However, I was asked to speak to a (fortunately) very small group of five boys and their parents, and give a demonstration, so that they could hear from an professional artist and get an Art Pin to advance to their next Scout level.
So, I drew the boys, and showed them my Wacom tablet and how an artist can use it to draw and paint in Photoshop---and specifically, that the computer is not
creating the art. I also displayed Joe Bluhm's book
Rejects, so they could see there is quite a range in what a caricature can be...
My daughters accompanied me to this event and one of them proved to be pretty adept at filming! Thank you Charlotte!
And thank you to this young Cub Scout and his grandfather for allowing me to film his sitting! :-)
Emily, Thanks for posting the video of you doing the drawing of my grandson, Tyler. How awesome!