This was my first time doing this type of fact, I expected it to be teenagers walking in with with their dads; but it was little girls all dressed up with their proud daddies and grandpops! This event is so popular there is even a waiting list!

This event utilized the skills of EIGHT caricature artists, so we were able to do 100+ drawings in total! I was Caricaturist B, appropriately!
We were asked by the client to use a sign-up sheet, which usually I don't encourage, as they seem to make things way more complicated than efficient---there was music, of course, so I couldn't call out names at all. Luckily, most of the dads on the list showed up when they were supposed to!
Here's a few more of mine.
After the event, five of the artists were able to go out and get some pizza, and catch up: from left, Miriam Pryor, Mike Garibay, Anthe, Sally C, and moi :-)