Monday, June 24, 2024

Trade Show caricatures!

 I had been looking forward to this event for ages--a three-day trade show in the PA Convention Center, for 12,000 folks from all over the USA! 

Ready and waiting!!
Here they come!!
Day 1:

Day 2:
Day 3:
And finally my wonderful client, who did so much to make my job easy and joyous. 
Thank you Meghann!

What a blast! Thanks again!

Quinceanera Caricatures!

 A previous corporate client turned into a regular (and repeat) client, 

by booking me for her niece's fabulous Quinceanera!

Here they are! (I arrived and started after the birthday girl had changed into her 2nd beautiful dress, so I don't have a photo of the blue confection she wore to the earlier ceremony. ) 

The banquet facility was lavishly dressed in royal blue and gold:

You can see my spot to the right, below. 

This was such a FUN party, everyone was exuberantly celebrating! 
Mom/daughter, and Mom/son caricatures!

Here's two more reels from this event:    Reel 1.   Reel 2.
Since I took photos of everyone at this one, I know my caricature speed: 53 shaded B/W faces
 in four hours = 13.33333 faces per hour, at 4.5 minutes each. 

Thank you for having me, Francheska and family!!!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Senior Picnic caricatures!

This school used to do the late-night celebration, but this year they opted to have a Senior Picnic in the school courtyard in the early evening. So both my banner and I sat under an umbrella, and churned out a bunch of happy soon-to-be grads! 

and I drew the friendly security guard again, I have drawn her several times now!
Thanks for having me, BCHS!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Company Picnic Caricatures!

A ramping-up heat wave did NOT stop this company from enjoying a company picnic on their campus!

Look at this AWESOME sign they made for me (and let me keep at the end! It will come in handy as "Boardwalk" is definitely a popular theme)
Due to the large number of folks, I was asked to do my speedier "line-drawing-only" style of caricature. 
Here's a few of their happy employees:

Then after lunch, they moved me into the lobby (with A/C)  and I drew some more, including a dog from a photo at the end. LOL!

Thanks for having me!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Carnival-themed 1st Birthday Caricatures!

Happy 1st birthday to this adorable but serious little fellow! Of course, the birthday kid always gets a deluxe, full-color caricature. I use Prismacolor Artstix to do these, which are discontinued, but I have enough to last me some years as long as I only use them for birthday people, guests of honor, and brides-and-grooms!

His carnival-themed party was held in a fabulously decorated celebration space not far from where I live, so that was nice for me. I did line-drawing-only caricatures for the guests, so was able to do most of the kids and a few adults. Here's a couple of them:

The lady above requested the word balloon, LOL!

Below, a further out view:

Thanks for having me! :-)