Sunday, October 25, 2020

First indoor gig since March...a (mostly) masked wedding reception

I have had just a handful of live gigs since this pandemic started (compared to how many I normally do)... and this was the first one actually INSIDE a building. Out of caution for myself and others, I've had no problem wearing a mask at all my outdoor events, so this was no different in that sense. And the guests here were required to wear masks, (the DJ made announcements!) unless they were eating. Most complied. Even the people on the dance floor were masked, and were only allowed to do line dances. I gotta say, it felt SO GOOD to hear all the songs I thought I was really tired of...JUMP ON IT!!!!!

So, here are the lovely bride and groom and their caricature, which I mostly did from photos I took as they came in, because they were VERY in-demand...and below, their friends doing the Masked Macarena...

It was a large group so I did line-drawing-only caricatures (no shading) and my output was 64 faces, plus the bride and groom in color, in 3 5 hours. Here are some of the guests: (they unmasked for their drawings)

Ugh I wish this young man's photo wasn't blurry :-(
Thanks for having me!

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