Monday, May 6, 2024

Beautiful (and Energetic!) Wedding (with my caricatures!)


This one was held in The Waterfall, a wedding venue quite close to where I live...which is always nice for me, not to have to drive for long, after drawing for hours.
It's an impressive place to have a reception,  (in fact, the post-prom I did on Friday evening had the kids coming directly from here, where their actual prom was held!) but more importantly, the staff are always top-notch and helpful to me.
The dress code was classic black and all the guests got the memo! This was the cocktail hour, here.
Didn't take many pics because I was slammed!! :-)

Then everyone moved into the ballroom, including me...
The bride and groom made an EXUBERANT entrance. You can see it here on my IG Reel.
Here's their wedding caricature!
Now for some WEDDING GUESTS!!!!

I got the "wear black" memo too! Thank you for having me, Brianna and Chris!!

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