Friday, September 20, 2024

Senior Citizen caricatures!

 Senior citizen caricatures.... I've always loved doing them...even when I wasn't almost one!

This fella wanted a GO AWAY sign for his door!

He guffawed when he saw the drawing, and then posed for my photo EXACTLY how he posed for the caricature. :-)

This gentleman, everyone said, should grow a long beard so he'd be a perfect Santa. I concurred he had exactly the right expression!

I told this man he looked sorta like Curly Howard. He agreed. :-)

I told this man he reminded me of Edgar Allen Poe. He wasn't sure about that...

This guy shoulda been in Pirates of the Caribbean!

This couple were proud Dallas fans!

And I did draw a few ladies...

This facility was a repeat client from five years client, the new activities director, had been drawn at an event prior to the pandemic and brought me back. Thanks for having me!

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