Monday, September 2, 2024

Wedding caricatures in Berks County...

 ...which is an absolutely beautiful locale! So was the view at this country club!

This was the cocktail hour (accompanied by a lady harpist who played Led Zeppelin tunes!) setting for my caricatures. Wow!

I knew there would be a large number of eager wedding guests, so I had planned to use my speed mode of line-drawing-only caricatures, on colored paper (to go with the wedding theme of lavender and peach.)

After cocktail hour, I moved to the ballroom. While the entrances, toasts and first dances were going on, I drew the bride and groom from a photo I'd taken of them.

Ready for Round 2:

(kid escaped before photo)

The view as I left was beautiful, too! Thank you for having me!!

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