Monday, August 10, 2009

Church Picnic!

Sunday afternoon found me drawing dozens of parishioners at a steamy (weather-wise) but fun-filled church picnic, held in an outdoor pavillion.

It was this priest's 75th birthday as well!

To my left as I was drawing, a magician put on his act which included sawing a woman into thirds! (wish I'd had time for a quick photo of that, but was too busy!)

More Fathers!

Thank you for having me! :-)
Just as I left, the thunderstorms began. What a RAINY season this summer has been.

Update: Just received a nice feedback from the church picnic's very hardworking organizer:
Emily was the best! She was friendly, fun, and fast! Her drawings were so good! Our parishioners would love to have her come back again next year. We would be sure to recommend her to anyone! Thanks so much!
Thank you Kim, and YOU did a great job running such a large festivity!

1 comment:

  1. Love the shading and blue backgrounds on these - very stylish!
