Thursday, October 22, 2009

Last days in Texas...

I'm actually home in PA once again. The last week at the State Fair of Texas became progressively busier and busier, and the weather brightened up too. There was just no time to blog, and as a result I have alot of photos to share:

Celestia and I paid a final visit to Big Tex!

After three solid weeks of airbrushing and learning once again from my fellow artists, I started to LOVE my Iwata airbrush and not be so intimidated by it...luckily, it only suffered one minor hiccup when the needle was out of alignment, causing it to spray incorrectly, but Celestia advised me and I got it working again.
Below are two triples, where I decided to use the paper horizontally instead of vertically.

This was a family of Lakers fans, so I asked them if they knew Kobe was from Philly (they did!).

This trio asked to be drawn as the Three Stooges, for whom I have a great affection!

A quadruple caricature of brothers, one of whom had to be persuaded to sit...of course, he liked it after I was done!

Three lovely ladies...

A bunch of little kids...

An early morning customer...

Father-son and mother-daughter caricatures....

An expectant couple...

An elderly gentleman...



This scene was taken as I finished my final break of the fair...
Adios, Texas! Thanks and see you next year!


  1. 初書き込みで申し訳ないんですが、都合のいい男性探しています。不況の中でも会社が高成長してて、忙しい毎日です。お陰でプライベートが充実していなくって、溜まる一方です。財産的にも多少余裕が今のところあるのでお礼もできます。何より、この書き込みが読まれているのかちょっと怪しいですけど…。アドレス置いとくので、消されないうちにメールくれたら嬉しいです。

  2. 結婚してから女としての喜びを失った玉の輿女性達、エリート旦那のそつのない動きには満足できるはずもなく、時間を持て余すお昼時に旦那のお金を使い、出張ホストサービスを楽しむそうでございます。今回も10万円での愛を承っております。癒しの一時をご一緒して謝礼を貰ってくださいませ

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