Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Iphone after-prom

This morning, I managed to draw at my third after-prom in as many days (a record for me) and its theme was IPHONE!
Check out the entrance:

In walking through to the cafeteria where the caricatures would happen, I passed a transformed gym: (with my beloved, ubiquitous Beatles :-)

and a Facebook room:

and even a bubble-wrap room: (hey, it's an Iphone app!)

Had some enthusiastic sitters:

and one tongue-sticker-outer (above).
Below, behold the reaction of the first couple: :-D

I worked with a new (to me, anyway) face, Nelson, and we represented Gene Mater's Caricatures Live! He was able to be hilariously talkative to the sitters; I was to the point where late-night caricaturing was making me verbally nonsensical. I'll have to do a blog post on that phenomenon sometime...

Finally, I did my part to join in with the theme: (thanks to a suggestion from my friend, Miss Celestia)

Glad I still had white fabric paint!
Okay, no more late-nights for awhile. Hope my internal time-clock resets itself pronto...


  1. You just keep 'em cracking ! I still love your art, and visit a lot. Just have not much time for replies.
    Keep it up !

  2. Great work Em, fantastic likenesses!

  3. Thanks to two gentlemen who really inspire ME!! :-)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks, Mugitup (since I can't find your real name on your blogs of some very inspiring stuff!)
