Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New blog banner for 15 Minutes Gosselin Style

I recently had the opportunity to do a digital project which has just today been unveiled at its new home: the blog 15 Minutes Gosselin Style.
This op-ed type blog has a goal: ultimately to see work standards and safeguards set for all reality-show children, and particularly the Gosselins. (And to dish as well!)
Below is the artwork I provided to the blog administrator for the new header:

This evolved out of the Kate Gosselin-as-she-looks-now caricature I did a few weeks ago, in which I found that I am getting very interested in doing more illustrative, editorial type caricature. I am also fascinated by the changes that once-pretty women are making via plastic surgery!
I opted not to show the children's faces because they are innocent pawns in the whole story.
So far the response (in comments on 15MGS's post) has been positive. As Kate is quite a polarizing figure, I'd expect some non-caricature fans to dislike it, but that is the nature of caricature. It's subjective...and good caricature carries the opinion of the artist without having to say a word.
A big thank you to the admin of 15MGS!!