Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Updated caricature on '15 Minutes Gosselin Style' blog

This reality "star" keeps extending her fifteen minutes of infamy. Her ratings are diminishing, but she has started Twittering at a rapid-fire pace... I updated her caricature (added hands, phone and crazed eyes)  on 15MGS. For the past week, she's averaged a tweet every ten minutes or so spread over a 16-hour day. Wonder how she does that with eight kids to take care of?


  1. I'd love to see each of the changed Jon and Kate pictures you've done for the RealitytvKids/15 Minutes Gosselin Style blog lined up on a single page for comparison and a timeline.

    You do such a good job keeping it up to date depending on the subject matter. Great work.

  2. Thank you very much! I added a page to my website doing just what you mentioned. Here's the link:
